First just a link to the most awesome website with 365 days of images of clouds. Spectacular! Cloud 365 Project
Another fun thing is that Vancouver just hosted the Olympics. They were great to watch. I even participated in a way as I was selected to carry the torch. I ran on February 17 in Bow Island, Alberta, a town of 1200 between Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. It was a real honour and brought smiles to many people.
Also, just last week, sister Dawn, was approved for another adoption from China. I created this blog the last time we went to pick up Quinlan who was 14 months then and is 6 now. This was pre-blog and is currently on a web host that could go away. But here it is for now Quinlan Peng Ping Sutherland
VrStorm is doing great! Working with some strong people. Trying to get a startup company going. Really engaged and productive.