Saturday, May 1, 2010

What is my best trait?

OK, more stupid Facebook quizes

What Muppet Character am I?



Well, aren't you just the coolest cat on the block? You ooze confidence and are very comfortable with who you are. A trend setter without trying to be, you often have a look and attitude that people want to copy. Because of your mellow demeanor, you fit in with everyone, and you fit in well. You don't try to put yourself in the spotlight, but the spotlight can sometimes find you, which is something you handle well.

While this is what I might want to be, I'm not sure that I am. -Lynn

What Element am I?



You are true blue. You have the vibrant qualities of Helium but you are not superficial. Your qualities are real and very deep. You are loyal, trustworthy, ethical, all of the things a Boy Scout would be. You are of great value to those around you simply because you care and are there for them when they truly need help. Who can say something bad about you? Except those who are jealous.

Janice in combination with Gold, would be what I strive to be. -Lynn

What is my best trait?


You don't judge others' faults but rather have compassion on them and what they are going through. Your first instinct when you see someone in need is to comfort them and show them how much you care. You are gracious, and love flows out of you naturally. Even in situations where most people would back away, you are right there for people with your arms wide open. You feel empathy for those who suffer, and this might be because of your kind nature or maybe even because you can relate; whatever the reason, you help heal wounds and are a shoulder to cry on.

This is not that true of me, I don't think, as, while I do support everyone's right and need to be themselves, I am not that sympathetic to people who make bad choices. -Lynn

What Greek God are You?



You are most like Athena, the goddess of the City, War, and of High Intelligence. You are very smart and think things out clearly. You are the type of person who does not stoop to anyone's level, for you are at your own. You are kind to those closest to you, somewhat vain toward those who are ignorant. You protect what you personally care about, first and foremost, those around you and secondly the place in which you live. Nothing can get past you and you always have the answer to a problem. Your weapon of choice: Spear and Shield

This fits. -Lynn

OK, enough goofiness for now. Nice fun distraction.